22 June 1998
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/19980622y.png)
this morning i dreamt that i was staying someplace with a bunch of strangers, like some sorta summer camp or something, but with people my age. i spent a while cuddling with some girl because we flash-forwarded to a point in time when we were romantically involved, but because we had done so, we changed the future and that was never going to happen. or something. i think i was just glad for the physical contact. and then there was this other girl. and then at the end i was sitting on a couch or something with both of them. one was a redhead, the other was blond, i can't remember much more 'cept that there was something about both of them that didn't quite fit with societies idea of beauty, but i thought they were both beautiful.
so does this mean i'm going to have to make a choice? that i'm not going to have to make a choice? that i'm just lonely?
on friday night sam and i went to see the x-files movie. and then we stuck around the theatre and saw the truman show too.
i thought the x-files was basically a decent two-part episode with better special effects (and no commercials). it tied together a bunch of old sub-plots and had some character development, and a good drunken rant by mulder. but it really did stand a bit too much on its own; it left out a lot of possible references to old episodes. and krycek wasn't in it. if yr an x-files fan, you'll go see it anyway, and probably already have. if yr not?
the truman show, on the other hand, in spite of jim carrey, was an incredible movie. i think that the only jim carrey movie i've ever seen (other than earth girls are easy or whatever it was, with jeff goldblum and gena davis i think, in which he had a minor role) was ace ventura. and it was so bad it was sickening. the advertising for the truman show has been trying to sell it on his name, but really, it's not a comedy. a bit of a dark comedy maybe. if yr avoiding it because of him, don't. go see it.
george and i took the train into ny yesterday for the monthly fmf tri-state chapter meeting. more talk about see. it's seeming kinda more solid again. maybe. writing this i don't feel that way, but i did yesterday. as with everything, i guess we'll see.
i s'pose i have to mention that it's my birthday. yeah that's right. you forgot didn't you? i don't have any big plans or anything. i haven't told anyone what i want for my birthday. what do i want for my birthday? i might go out for dinner with sam and my mom. just another year of nothing special. i kinda feel like it should be, that i should be doing something to mark the day. but. if yr feeling friendly, you could always email me something nifty.
so does this mean i'm going to have to make a choice? that i'm not going to have to make a choice? that i'm just lonely?
on friday night sam and i went to see the x-files movie. and then we stuck around the theatre and saw the truman show too.
i thought the x-files was basically a decent two-part episode with better special effects (and no commercials). it tied together a bunch of old sub-plots and had some character development, and a good drunken rant by mulder. but it really did stand a bit too much on its own; it left out a lot of possible references to old episodes. and krycek wasn't in it. if yr an x-files fan, you'll go see it anyway, and probably already have. if yr not?
the truman show, on the other hand, in spite of jim carrey, was an incredible movie. i think that the only jim carrey movie i've ever seen (other than earth girls are easy or whatever it was, with jeff goldblum and gena davis i think, in which he had a minor role) was ace ventura. and it was so bad it was sickening. the advertising for the truman show has been trying to sell it on his name, but really, it's not a comedy. a bit of a dark comedy maybe. if yr avoiding it because of him, don't. go see it.
george and i took the train into ny yesterday for the monthly fmf tri-state chapter meeting. more talk about see. it's seeming kinda more solid again. maybe. writing this i don't feel that way, but i did yesterday. as with everything, i guess we'll see.
i s'pose i have to mention that it's my birthday. yeah that's right. you forgot didn't you? i don't have any big plans or anything. i haven't told anyone what i want for my birthday. what do i want for my birthday? i might go out for dinner with sam and my mom. just another year of nothing special. i kinda feel like it should be, that i should be doing something to mark the day. but. if yr feeling friendly, you could always email me something nifty.