7 February 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000207a.gif)
last night i read about a neurological disorder with the incredibly creative name restless legs syndrome. sounds exactly like what i've described in my journal on numerous occasions. of course, i'm quick to jump to an unscientific, self-diagnosis 'cause i'm a bit of a hypochondriac. but i still think it's what i have. one of the causes can be vitamin deficiencies. which makes it even more likely. (although i have started taking vitamins again recently.)
gregg came in after i was in bed. and was still asleep when i left this morning. so we still haven't really spoken.
sitting in class this morning (or the unorganized work period that class became anyway), i remembered that there was in fact something other than television that i had been planning on doing last night. susie somehow got it into her head to have a prom in her apartment. basically everyone she knows either didn't go to, or had a miserable time at their own prom in high school, so this was sorta to make up for that. and it sounded a little scary, given all the overwhelming high school feelings i've been reliving to begin with, but still fun in a way. of course i completely spaced it.
briefly saw susie, goose, dana, randi at lunch. they said it was fun. i said i was sorry i missed it, but i didn't have a date anyway. guess it turned out that a lot of people didn't. headed back to work on my performance project.
covered my arms in red paint this afternoon. it looked pretty neat. i think i'm going to use white for my performance though. things are coming together, even if at the last minute, and very slowly. i've decided that i need a five foot diameter circle of astroturf. i think i could get away with just green paper or posterboard. but fake grass would be ideal. even better than real grass, i think. the only place that anyone can think of that might have some would be home depot though, which would mean finding someone with a car, who was willing to go to home depot, and was free between noon and three-ish tomorrow afternoon.
got a postcard from nikki from france today. that was nice. and the first request to buy a domain that i own. (not counting the bit where i owned journeyfoods.com, as i just let it lapse so they could have it back.) unfortunately it's a non-profit group that wants it, so it won't make me a millionaire. but we might be able to work out a deal.
saw yuka before my library shift. for the first time in a week. we talked for a little bit. she said she hasn't really seen much of anyone recently either.
walked up to kinko's afterward, to make some fluorescent posters for the performance. got falafels for dinner. back down to bingo.
tonight was definitely the worst in quality of the three bingo nights. saw alex.h though, who i hadn't seen in well over a week. and i did win the grand prize of the night, a $25 gift certificate to the risd store. so next semester when i'm completely broke and need supplies for some architecture project i'll be able to get them. or maybe i should just spend it on something frivolous to keep with the bingo prize theme.
figured there'd be no messages on my answering machine like usual, but there were two. er!n and sarah. sarah's sick, but said she's planning on coming to tomorrow night's performance. er!n had been planning on coming, and then giving me a ride back to connecticut for wintersession break. but she's not been having the greatest of times recently (i really hope things get much better soon) and hadn't thought much about it until tonight. and now that i don't have an extra bed, and am planning on sticking around to see the cabaret, it's not going to work out with her coming out to visit. which is too bad, but maybe we'll still be able to get together sometime next week.