26 April 1999
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/19990426y.png)
i think that part of the sunday thing, at least in part, is that it really is caused by a disassociation with the world. i mean my only really social interaction is in class, and i don't have classes friday, saturday, or sunday. so this sense of detachment sorta builds up. this is only in part, though. because i did feel this way about sundays when i was in california, when i was not really doing anything social, and the days just sorta ran together. and when i was at li more than full time and working sundays, they were still empty in a way. but, from the angle of disconnectedness, i stayed up for quite a while last night, while still logged on to the net, just because that offers the possibility of feeling in touch with something or someone.
when i did manage to turn the computer off and go to bed (a bit after two, not really all that late, considering) the person in the apartment below mine was vacuuming. odd time for it, but i'm not sure anyone in this building keeps normal hours.
i woke up in the midst of a dream that was taking place in a slightly surreal-ified version of the gym in my old grade school. for part of it i was playing basketball, poorly. and for part of it there was some newly created game being played (something like a cross between basketball and bowling, although i'm sure i'm missing bits). and allison was in the very tail end of it.
i should've spent the morning writing philosophy of religion papers, but i spent it chatting with george instead. sonali paged me about noon. i fired back some email with my phone number. i proceeded to continue not writing until i had to leave for school.
i sorta feel like a lot of my guitar class has surpassed me in ability. but i guess i can play a lot better than when i started, so that's something. two more guitar classes, and then the final, for which i'll have to play a few songs and things. that's a bit scary. in acting we worked on monologues, which are basically our final.
came home, continued to not write papers. i walked to the store to get some dinner about nine. for some reason i was feeling very dance-y. and that was making me feel kinda happy. came home, ate, did some more non-writing. i ended up doing some web surfing of shockwave flash sites. the coolest of which was prolly jonni nitro, the story's a little silly, but the whole effect's really kinda neat.
just shy of midnight i finally decided i should do some writing for philosophy of religion. but i notice there's a message on the answering machine. it was sonali, somehow i must not have heard the phone ringing in the other room. so i called her back. and it was really cool to talk with her.
when i did manage to turn the computer off and go to bed (a bit after two, not really all that late, considering) the person in the apartment below mine was vacuuming. odd time for it, but i'm not sure anyone in this building keeps normal hours.
i woke up in the midst of a dream that was taking place in a slightly surreal-ified version of the gym in my old grade school. for part of it i was playing basketball, poorly. and for part of it there was some newly created game being played (something like a cross between basketball and bowling, although i'm sure i'm missing bits). and allison was in the very tail end of it.
i should've spent the morning writing philosophy of religion papers, but i spent it chatting with george instead. sonali paged me about noon. i fired back some email with my phone number. i proceeded to continue not writing until i had to leave for school.
i sorta feel like a lot of my guitar class has surpassed me in ability. but i guess i can play a lot better than when i started, so that's something. two more guitar classes, and then the final, for which i'll have to play a few songs and things. that's a bit scary. in acting we worked on monologues, which are basically our final.
came home, continued to not write papers. i walked to the store to get some dinner about nine. for some reason i was feeling very dance-y. and that was making me feel kinda happy. came home, ate, did some more non-writing. i ended up doing some web surfing of shockwave flash sites. the coolest of which was prolly jonni nitro, the story's a little silly, but the whole effect's really kinda neat.
just shy of midnight i finally decided i should do some writing for philosophy of religion. but i notice there's a message on the answering machine. it was sonali, somehow i must not have heard the phone ringing in the other room. so i called her back. and it was really cool to talk with her.