7 January 2000
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had a dreadfully fitful night. tossing and turning, alternating chills and sweating, aches and pains. decided when my alarm went off at 730 that there was no reason i should be getting up, the cad lab wouldn't be open for another few hours anyway. so i went back to sleep. woke up at nine feeling much better. still not 100%, but better.
spent the morning in the cad lab. figuring out some more software tricks and techniques and working on the site plan. left for lunch about one. came home, got distracted, began to feel stuffed up again. and light-headed. never got back to the lab.
actually hung out with people tonight. it was basically because i found myself in the met for dinner at the same time as jen and yuka. they were going to see run lola run at the auditorium, and it was free so i had been thinking of going, so i went with them. talked with cybèle for a while before the movie. mostly about comics. and afterwards we saw dave, zanetta, and kris. and all ended up just hanging out for a couple of hours.
zanetta went to bed early, and kris went home. jen kinda passed out on the new couch, she had slept through part of the movie too. yuka, dave, and i talked until about two.
last night, between bouts of uncomfortableness, and the occasional stray thought about my assignments, i had been thinking things like: who needs friends, i can get along fine without them. not totally seriously, but. but it's nice to spend time with people. even if it was an accident.