20 January 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000120a.gif)
strange dreams this morning. i slept in, so i remember bits and pieces.
at one point, george and sam and i were eating in what seemed like a cross between an indian restaurant and a medieval inn. in the same place, but what may have been during a different lifetime entirely, i was with jen, and we kissed. i know it's the first time that's happened. (and, in the dream, she was a very good kisser. i'm debating whether or not to bring this up.)
there was another theme involving this very long (five or six hour), very avant garde movie on tv. the strangest part was that it was on regular broadcast television, with almost no commercials. i think i missed part of it, and was worried that i'd never be able to see it again. there was one incredible scene looking out through venetian blinds as the sun set.
and finally, something to do with a very large artifact, and a prophesy, that when recited correctly caused the artifact to turn people into lion-esque creatures (like in the tv show beauty and the beast). it was a very involved story, with lots of twists and turns. battles between good an evil, and that sort of thing. and in the end a decision was made to destroy the artifact, so that its power couldn't be abused.
spent quite a while at lunch. i was hoping that there would be a continual stream of people i knew and i could just sit there through dinner without having to find some other way to fill my time. but no such luck.
spent the afternoon cleaning up dns on carrot. felt like the old days.
and tonight, movie night at yuka's. waking ned devine and 200 cigarettes. the expected crowd, plus a few here and there. jen and aoi asleep halfway through the second movie. yuka and alex.h drunk and talking. snowball fight on the way home.