11 March 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000311a.gif)
so two weeks ago, the same day that er!n came to visit, sonali called and said that she was coming this sunday, tomorrow. i called her last week to get the latest plans, and she said monday, maybe sunday. today she called and told me that she'd be here this evening.
and so about nine she showed up.
i s'pose i should briefly mention the rest of the day. began working on a performance piece (outside of any classes) with my teacher from wintersession and two of the other people in the class. i'm only going to get an hour a week to work on it, but it's nice to be doing.
spent most of my library shift trying to remember how to do algebra. the quadratic formula. area of a trapezoid. for statics. every time i tried to work through the numbers i got a different answer. i'm still not sure about any of it. i know that it would all be so much easier if we were using calculus, but this is art school, and art students can't handle calculus. whatever.
and i went to the mall (yeah, ick) to buy some extra sheets and towels. i figured if i was going to have a guest and all, i could at least be hospitable and set up my extra bed. and it had been raining all day. so the walk was a little wet.
and so sonali showed up. and we talked for a bit. went out for falafels. thought about going to a show downtown. called a few friends to see what they were up to (just hanging out, watching movies). we ended up just staying in and talking some more. sonali was tired, and asked me to tell her a story.
for someone with aspirations of being a writer, i always feel terribly put on the spot about telling stories. maybe i just need practise. i'm sure i must have them in me.
my first thoughts are always to tell something metaphorical about my own life. but i had this stray thought of a grizzly bear, who works on wall street, going to a bar after work. and then i started weaving in bits of my as yet unwritten screenplay.
and she kinda did this little thing at the beginning of my story, taking my hand and rubbing her wrist against mine. and i'm thinking how much i'm still attracted to her. and so that was running through my head as i told my story and she drifted off to sleep.