21 March 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000321a.gif)
i dreamt that i was in studio, with mike, paul, leif, and molly, but it was a different building, mostly glass. there was a store across the street (which was covered i think) that sold all kinds of strange things and useless junk. mike bought a bunch of stuff there and made a sandwich out of it.
and in another dream, i was sitting with jen and rested my head on her shoulder. she said some of the same things that sonali said to me a week ago, which i thought was odd. i noticed that my hand was being lit by a very bright light, and then someone opened a door and the light intensified, completely obscuring my hand for a moment.
went back to sleep for another half hour or so, and when i got up again i wasn't entirely sure whether it had been jen or molly in my dream. thinking about it, i'm pretty sure it was jen. although i may have had echoes of the dream with molly instead.
except for meals i pretty much spent the whole day in the beb. studio work, then opera, then more studio work. we discussed / watched a little wagner in opera. i had been kinda avoiding watching any productions of der ring for fear that it would unduly influence my own future production of it (gotta have goals), but the snippet that we saw of die walküre was terribly conventional and didn't really sway me at all.
talked with jessie (cute little chinese girl who was visiting people in architecture) tonight, and somehow ended up explaining, albeit somewhat simplified, my relationship with sonali. i'm not really sure how that happened, as i really haven't talked with anyone else here about it. probably just that she's friendly and easy to talk to.
found some flowers in the trash on my way home. the daisies still looked pretty much okay.