23 May 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000523a.gif)
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000523b.gif)
finally wrote my opera paper today. i had set my alarm for eight, to get up and write, but when it went off i set it back another hour. just before nine my dad called with a silly computer question, and we talked for quite a while. then i dyed my hair. it's s'posed to be turquoise, but when i rinsed it, it became more of an overcast day ocean green. people who i ran into today didn't even necessarily notice it.
then i got to writing my paper. i think i did a pretty good job too. although i'm not all that happy with the set design sketches that i turned in with it. i started working out a whole production design in my head, but didn't have the time or energy to manifest it.
printed my paper. walked to kinko's to photocopy my sketches. then to the providence public library to return my very overdue books about henry purcell. the beb to put the paper in chick's box and have another go at plotting my cad homework (the plotter was out of black ink on sunday). but i got kicked out of the cad lab the moment i stepped in the door 'cause there was some sort of class starting. so i started cleaning out my studio space instead.
about seven-thirty a handful of people went out for a farewell dinner for paul, who's not coming back to risd in the fall. paul's favourite restaurant is not terribly vegan friendly, so i got some take-out indian food and brought it in with me, but the waitress was really bitchy about it, so it's now sitting in the fridge awaiting lunch tomorrow.
and then we went to the wild colonial (the bar right next to the architecture building, which i had actually never been in before) for drinks, and some pool and some ghost stories and some philosophy.