15 July 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000715a.gif)
called alex.s tonight 'cause it's his birthday and we haven't talked in a very long time. i felt the conversation was a little awkwark, owing to my lack of telephone skills, and his cellphone went dead halfway through my saying something about architecture, but it was super nice to talk anyway. [today's pic is cropped from a self-portrait that he did years ago, but it's one of the most recent pics that i have of him.]
talked to 3/4 of my immediate family on the phone today as well. sam, about perl and pine and punk stuff. and both of my parents at different points. sam and i are probably going to fly out to ohio at the end of the summer to visit our dad, and then down to florida for a couple of days to see our grandparents, who i haven't seen since i was a good deal littler than i am now.
and before all this phone stuff, cybèle and i walked over towards risd to see the first event of the 2k summer gravity games, downhill skateboarding, but they had sped up the order of things to finish early, fearing rain.
i could have gone over earlier, but i had a compulsion to clean this morning. i found places for most of my stuff that was sitting on the floor in front of the couch in the kitchen. i did dishes. and i took the stove all apart and cleaned the burners and everything.