6 March 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010306a.gif)
so no school again today. the snow still wasn't all that bad, but if they hadn't canceled school they would have been admitting that yesterday's cancellation was premature. and i guess that it would have been hard to get here for teachers from boston or new york.
but as it's tuesday, i would have been in studio all day anyway. so the bulk of my day wasn't really all that different than it would have been. molly wanted to go out and do something fun. it is a snow day after all. and i felt bad being all responsible, but i wanted to get some more work done.
i called her later when i got home. she had ended up getting into a big snowball fight with a friend of hers from brown and a bunch of other brown kids. which would have been fun, but working on my studio project was good too.
we talked for quite a bit. about paradise/promethean myths and utopias. about snow. about architecture (of course). she's trying to switch studios, although fears it might be too late. and is thinking about maybe leaving again if things don't work out. she suggested we go out and get drunk tomorrow night. sounds reasonable. either in celebration that things did work out, or as condolences that they didn't.