19 March 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010319a.gif)
had a fair amount of the book that i was supposed to have finished by class today read. enough to participate in the class discussion and come across as at least reasonably intelligent. i'll have to finish the book over spring break, as i'm supposed to write a paper on it, but that's no real hardship.
i had a terrible time just now trying to remember which if any meals i went home for today. i'm pretty sure that it wasn't any. i think i worked through what would have been my lunch between technology classes in the beb and then stopped at the met for a bowl of soup before my inconveniently scheduled make-up italian class before returning to the beb and working pretty much all night.
it's coming back to me now. i stopped by the bank on the way to class to see if i had any money with which i could buy something like a bowl of soup as i knew that it was unlikely i would be coming home any time before the wee hours of the following morning. and as i was heading out of my way anyway, i figured i'd stop by a couple of bookstores and see if i could pick up a copy of house of leaves, my planned spring break recreational reading. i didn't find it at the used bookstore, but at the second store, just as i was about to give up and head off to class, i noticed a copy all the way up at the top of the shelf where they usually stick the oversized hardcovers.
the rest of the day and night was work. presumably final drawings in ink on vellum. to be photocopied or scanned, stitched together, and printed as a final presentation. eventually i began making mistakes and decided to call it a night. this was about five-thirty in the morning.