19 July 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010719a.gif)
was dreaming about computer cases made of exotic (maybe mythical) animal furs and something to do with death, the personified figure, robe and scythe and all, when i half awoke. of the sort when yr awake but paralyzed. and the thought that death always comes from behind and i couldn't turn my head, but knew it was there.
eventually the paralysis wore off and i was able to get up and turn the light on the bathroom, which was reassuring. all in all it wasn't as bad as the only other instance of this sort of nightmare paralysis that i can recall, in which i was woken up to the sound of my alarm clock except that it was intercepting some sort of alien transmission. i knew that they were coming to abduct me and i couldn't move. and even once i did regain movement, i was afraid to as that might draw attention to me. after about half an hour of lying a still as i could, and terribly scared, i got up and turned the light on and left it on for the rest of the night.
my architecture project for this morning was assigning lockers to new students. but nothing is that simple. last years computer files had been lost somewhere along the way, and so i had to reconstruct them from the hard copy versions. and in doing so i found that there were many mistakes. people who had left the department or the school who were still assigned lockers. people assigned to broken lockers. and so it snowballed into a very big project.
met stef for a late lunch. lunch date. it was nice.
left the library an hour early to catch k (karla from ida) playing at cafe zog. the music didn't actually start until close to nine, and there were three opening bands, but it was nice to be there for the whole thing.
the first band was called artemis. two boys with guitars and a cute girl with a pretty voice. their songs were just numbered because they haven't come up with names yet, but they were nice.
then a boy doing solo guitar drone / samples / drum machine / loops sort of music. didn't catch his name, but it was interesting stuff. "i'm going to play some music that i usually make for myself as a sort of meditation. i hope you like it."
chris.k and cybèle popped their heads in during his set but apparently didn't stick around.
the third band was called bradford ave. doing an unusual acoustic performance, i guess they're normally a little bit heavier. five boys. two of them sang, one was more the frontman, and his parents were in the audience (for the first time i think), the other seemed a little more shy but had an amazing, very emotive voice. i guess i'd be curious to hear them plugged in, but i liked the acoustic thing.
and then karla and her friend rose. she played some of her new solo stuff, a few ida songs (or as she put it, "songs i sometimes play with my other gothic death-metal band i.d.a.), and some beekeeper songs. if i closed my eyes i kept expecting dan and liz to start harmonizing, but it's always nice seeing any of the ida family.
stef and her roommates showed up just as things were ending. i think she had the expectation of coming back to my place all along. and i can't turn her away. even if she showed up ringing my bell at four in the morning.