8 April 2002
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a few days ago, a few hours before she sent her email, i was going to send stef her horoscope for the past two weeks from rob brezsny's free will astrology. i'm not big into the astrology thing (probably even less in the few years since i've become more of a cynic about magic in general) but i still get it sent to my email every week. rob is almost more of a new-agey therapist than an astrologer anyway, and a lot of what he says is just good advice. but, stef will occasionally send me my daily horoscope, from a different source, when it particularly matches up to what we're going through. and maybe i should have sent this then. last night when it occurred to me i couldn't remember if i had or not. i don't know why i didn't.
For the Week of March 27, 2002
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): In 2001, a man named Adam Burtle put his soul up for auction on the eBay Web site. Before officials stepped in and forbade the sale, bidding had reached $400. As far as I know, no one has ever tried a similar fund-raising stunt on any of the other popular auction sites. Given the current astrological omens, you Pisceans would be most likely to get away with it; I bet you'd also earn the highest bids and incur the smallest karmic penalty. Couldn't you use the extra bucks? Hey, it's all in fun. APRIL FOOL! I was just testing you, dear. In fact, you must raise your immunity to cute but evil propositions and fun but dumb invitations.
For the Week of April 3, 2002
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): The astrological powers-that-be have declared this Figure Out Your Game Plan Week. You have a cosmic mandate to slip away from the vision-narrowing routine and climb to the mountaintop -- or at least to a mountaintop perspective. There I predict you will receive the exhilarating benefits of viewing the big picture from on high. You will prune away all but one goal, pledge to devote yourself to it utterly, and formulate a step-by-step strategy to achieve total victory by next December.
amongst all this, the lindsey chapter of my ehp soap opera seems to be pretty much completely over. she may make a few more guest appearances, like tonight when sarah.b rented a movie and we were sitting on a couch together, in opposite corners, but at one point, with both our feet up, or toes touched, and i don't think it was entirely unpleasant for either of us. but it was such a non-incident in the face of everything else.