29 June 2002
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20020629y.png)
more fun at the dmv. drove my volkswagen, illegally, to the winsted dmv, as it is more or less on the way to providence. took a number. 409. they were on 357. my brain is thinking seconds, minutes, hours. 57, 58, 59, 00. unfortunately, decimal doesn't work that way. there's another forty numbers in there.
two-plus hours later.. once at the counter it took a total of five minutes. three of those were because the car's title was still in my old name. i hadn't even noticed. i only had to sign it over to myself as if it were a buy/sell transaction.
out the door, back in my car, now semi more legal (although i didn't put the new plates on, as i didn't have a wrench with me). and to providence.
got in about 2.30. time enough to help stef move two loads of her stuff before she had to go to work. then moving all the stuff that i brought back with me into my apartment.
dinner with chris.k at a thai/vietnamese restaurant across town that i had never been to. then home again and i noticed the first stirrings of a headache. brought on by dehydration, i'm sure. leaving the dmv i was thinking to myself, 'i should have brought a bottle of water with me.' then green tea with dinner, unthinkingly, which always makes me a bit dehydrated.
tylenol. another load of stuff with stef when she got off of work. trading spaces on tv. and bed.
at this point my stomach was feeling a bit queasy. symptom of the [migraine] headache? from dinner at an unfamiliar restaurant? heat stroke? of, as was worrying me, a reprise of last november.
i was up most of the night drinking lots of water and making the attendant trips to the bathroom.