31 May 2004
There had been talk of having a party at our house today, but I guess no one was really going to end up coming. Most of the NYU kids are gone for the summer. I didn't actually invite anyone because I didn't know about it until a day or two ago. And Olivia is leaving town tomorrow for two months, and was going to be home packing. Marie did convince her to leave her house though, and meet us on neutral ground, Red Bamboo, for dinner.
So dinner in the city. Then back home. And Chris calls from Dave.Z's. They were having a potluck tonight, which I knew about, but was never really directly invited, so it didn't leave much of an impression on the scheduling part of my mind, and so I had forgotten about. I had just gotten back from Manhattan and didn't really want to get back on the subway.
I decided that I could walk, it would probably only take about an hour, and set out. Less than a block from home I reconsidered. 'Actually, I could ride my bike,' I thought. So I came back in, pulled my bike out of the mess of bikes currently in Dan's room, and headed out again.
Now, I haven't ridden my bike in at least three years. And so the first time back on it, I'm riding across Brooklyn, at night, in the rain. Maybe not the absolutely smartest of ideas. But I made it in one piece, and not too winded.
I didn't bring anything to the potluck, but I'm glad I showed up. I hadn't seen some of those kids in a couple of months.
Chris stuck with me on the ride home, which was nice, because he probably could have been going three times as fast on his own, and by half way through I was too winded to carry on much of a conversation.
And once home, I pretty much collapsed right into bed.