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20 December 2004
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It bugs me that for whatever reasons I'm not really considered part of the graphics 'department' at work. I sit (probably coincidentally) in the same part of the office. A significant percentage of the work that I do falls under the header of graphics. I enjoy doing graphic work. Broadcast graphics in particular is probably the most creative thing that junior/assistant designer can do in this line of work, and I've let people know that it's something I'm interested in.
And yet, when talk is made of the PDG graphics department it rarely ever includes me, except maybe as an afterthought. I know that I have an architecture background, but that's not it. I don't get lumped in with the architects in the office either, and certainly don't do much of the same sort of work that they do. (The fact that I use a Mac while they all use wintel machines is one tip off in that respect.)
I guess it's the curse of being a generalist. And I wouldn't give up being a generalist for anything. But still, being overlooked because of it can make me feel considerably less important sometimes.
NBC's News Specials, the department that was primarily responsible for Democracy Plaza, had their holiday party tonight, and invited those of us at PDG and Jack Morton that had been actively involved in the project.
It's the first that I had seen Claire since my last trip up to the plaza. Which was right after I had started seeing Ellen, a completely unforeseen turn of events that circumvented my ever asking Claire out. Part of me was hoping that she would be at the party with a date, to put some closure on that. She wasn't. But the universe doesn't always neatly tie up all the loose ends for you.