Inwood needs coffee shops.
3 July 2005
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There's one coffee shop that's almost in my neighborhood. Since it's pretty much my only choice, and it does get me out of the house, I've been going there fairly regularly on Sundays around noon for a cup of coffee and a grilled veggie sandwich. And at first it was nice to have somewhere to go without making the trip all the way downtown, but the place really is not so great. At least on Sundays. (I haven't been in there any other time.) I miss the Archive out in Brooklyn. Or Jo's in Austin. Or any number of places in Providence. The broker who helped me find my apartment made an offhanded comment about opening up a coffee shop in the neighborhood. I don't think she was entirely serious, but I wish that she had been.
Walked up, around, through Fort Tryon Park for a while. Sat on a bench and finished Jesus' Son. It was good, but the entire book only took about three hours of reading.
Spent the rest of the afternoon, typically for a Sunday, sitting around at home.