Apparently I'm very HEX-y.
14 February 2006
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I was up until 6:30 this morning to get my portfolio together. I was back up at 9:30 to shower, take a quick look at it with (semi-) fresh eyes, and head out to Digital Society where Dan had graciously offered the use of a high quality printer. Set up there around noon, I spellchecked (a very good idea), bought a pack of expensive semi-gloss A3 paper, and rand a few test prints. By 5:00 I got my first final page printed. Printing is always way more difficult that it should be.
In the midst of this, I finished / polished / printed my personal statement.
By 7:30 I had printed all 13 sheets (22 pages, plus front and back covers) and folded, but not yet trimmed, them. I stopped by Staples to pick up a paper cutter (no clue where any of my X-Acto or mat knives are), double-stick tape, and a heavy-duty stapler. And one box of staples, figuring the 1/4" would be big enough.
At home, I trimmed all the pages (except the cover, as the paper cutter only cuts up to 12" sheets). And test-stapled a stack of the off-cuts. The 1/4" staples were not big enough. 'What the fuck am I going to do now?' The nearest Staples, way down on 184th, closed at 7:00. I checked the drugstore around the corner, bought a pack of staples that didn't specify depth, but had a diagram which made them look big enough, but when I opened the box at home found that the diagram was not to scale, and that they two were about 1/4" deep. It would have to wait until tomorrow morning.
I did complete the financial aid / scholarship information. Estimated my taxes. Filled out the FAFSA online. And to bed by midnight.