Thanks for inviting me.
27 March 2006
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'Hey. I'm downtown for a business meeting and so figured I'd call and see what you were up to after work.'
'Actually, I'm headed back to Brooklyn to have dinner at Cora's. But I'm sure you could come by.'
'I don't want to invite myself to your dinner night.'
'I'm sure she won't mind. Let me call and see if what she's making is vegan.'
'Nope. It's got cheese. So why don't you grab something that you can eat on the way. She lives about the same distance from the Myrtle stop on the J as I do, but on the other side of the tracks. Give me or her a call when you get off the train.'
'Oh, and you like beer, so maybe you should bring some beer. That's what I do.'
'So you know that I'm in no way making any sort of comment on your cooking by bringing my own food into your house when you're making dinner.'
'Don't worry about it.'
'I brought a bottle of wine.'
'Thanks. I like wine. Chris likes beer, so he'll probably bring some of that.'
Chris showed up. We ate. We drank. Conversation touched briefly on work and art and food, but revolved mostly around selfish roommates, dating, and sex.