22 March 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010322a.gif)
yesterday felt like thursday to me for some reason too. today thursday finally caught up.
anne was on a plane to england or somewhere so gabriel filled in. the only time that he had previously critiqued my work was at our second major crit, first semester of last year. he told me that if i was "interested in things like infinity [i was] in the wrong department."
he wasn't being totally serious then, but still that was probably a thread leading to my doubts about architecture last wintersession. anyway, i did stick with it, and have learned a lot, and am probably stronger for my doubts. and this morning he was very nice and very helpful.
of course i didn't find my wind of motivation yet. but it's coming. i have to commit my self to a schedule of drawings per day, and just stick with it. no hesitation, no paralysis.
i also have to make time to study italian over spring break. we had a homework assignment due today that i didn't even think about between the end of class on monday and half an hour before class started tonight. she didn't collect it, but that doesn't mean that i should be able to go three days without thinking about italian at all. (which isn't entirely true, as i did see the movie on tuesday night.
and walking home from class tonight my mind was steeped in italian phrases. so much so that i didn't want to snap myself out of it by speaking any english to chris.k when i got home. he probably thought i was just being antisocial. and then after i while i just didn't want to break the silence which probably was antisocial.
started reading house of leaves tonight. [i'm waiting until i'm done with the book to check out the website, so i can't vouch for what you'll find there.] got hooked in. found it hard to put down even though i have to get up early in the morning and wanted a good night's sleep.